Tel: 403-607-6027

CAT(C) (Certified Athletic Therapist)- Mount Royal University
Melissa completed her Advanced Certificate in Athletic Therapy from MRU and wrote her National Certification exam with CATA to become a Certified Athletic Therapist in 2012. While in school she completed her school practicums at SAIT working with the men's basketball team and worked as a student in the student-athlete clinic.
B.Kin. (Bachelor of Kinesiology)- University of Calgary
While completing her bachelor degree at the UofC Melissa took practicums in the University's physiotherapy clinic where she had a key role in creating home exercise programs for her patients. She worked with the Calgary Bantam and Midget Wildcats football teams as their team trainer. She also volunteered her time with multiple high school football teams and sports med programs including Saint Mary's, Western Canada and Central Memorial.
Assessment of musculoskeletal injuries (spinal/peripheral)
Therapeutic modalities (EMS, IFC, US)
Myofascial release/gua sha techniques
Prophylactic taping/Kinesio taping
Muscle energy techniques for the pelvis, sacrum, and lumbar spine
Upper quadrant rehabilitation techniques
Exercise rehabilitation techniques for musculoskeletal injuries